Emigrate New Zealand


Emigrating to New Zealand is seen by many as being the best decision they ever made. People have talked to me about a life they now enjoy, that would not have been possible in England. Particularly those that start their own business, or build their own homes. I do believe that immigrants often have a certain ‘will to succeed’ and make their own opportunities.

Others I have spoken to have missed things they did not realise they would about England, or have been disappointed with job opportunities. Many immigrants comment on the ‘differences’ between themselves and the New Zealanders.

Both myself and members of my family have enjoyed some great opportunities since we have been in New Zealand. But it would be wrong of me to suggest that it has all been plain sailing. There have been times when I have experienced great loneliness and wondered if the cost, both financially and emotionally has been worth it.

One thing I do know for sure, by planning and preparing before you come you will have a far better chance of settling and of avoiding expensive mistakes.

Whatever you decide, I hope that by reading my book, you might have a smoother path along life’s journey.

Dedicated to bringing you the best information about emigrating to New Zealand.
Brought to you in association with British Sweet Treats